E Hene - E Diel 09:00 - 21:00
Galeria ETC, Kati 1, Tirane
SKU: 136846


1 ne stok

  • Posta Falas per porosi mbi 2,990L. Dorezimi 24-48 ore.
3 kliente po e shohin kete produkt aktualisht.
  • 100% Produkt origjinal
  • Posta 24-48h
  • Produkt me cilesi te larte
  • Pagese Online ose ne Dorezim

The Entertainer Albania eshte perfaqesues zyrtar per Shqiperine i rrjetit me te madh Anglez te lodrave per femije The Entertainer UK. Ne shesim vetem lodra origjinale, te markave qe jane te sigurta, per te luajtur femijet.

In the world of LEGO, every brick holds the promise of endless adventure and creativity. From towering skyscrapers to fantastical creatures, each creation is a testament to the boundless imagination. With every snap and click, joy is built one masterpiece at a time.