E Hene - E Diel 09:00 - 21:00
Galeria ETC, Kati 1, Tirane
SKU: 539533


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  • Posta Falas per porosi mbi 2,990L. Dorezimi 24-48 ore.
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  • 100% Produkt origjinal
  • Posta 24-48h
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The Entertainer Albania eshte perfaqesues zyrtar per Shqiperine i rrjetit me te madh Anglez te lodrave per femije The Entertainer UK. Ne shesim vetem lodra origjinale, te markave qe jane te sigurta, per te luajtur femijet.

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Encourage toddlers to play and learn with the Woodlets Bead Maze.

Watch their imaginations run wild as they move and spin the wooden blocks around the puzzle, while the bright colours and different textures, plus the exciting sounds the blocks make, will engage your baby’s developing visual and auditory skills.

Product features:

  • Set includes: 1x bead maze
  • Developmental benefits: fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, colour and shape recognition
  • Woodlets- Imagination Runs Wild!
  • Product dimensions: approx. 18.7cm (H) x 23cm (W) x 13.5cm (D)
  • For ages 12 months and over

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Addo Play

Safety Information

Please remove all packaging attachments, and any other components which are not a part of the toy, before giving this product to a child.

Manufacturer Number


Our Product Number