E Hene - E Diel 09:00 - 21:00
Galeria ETC, Kati 1, Tirane
SKU: 553992


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  • Posta Falas per porosi mbi 2,990L. Dorezimi 24-48 ore.
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  • Posta 24-48h
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The Entertainer Albania eshte perfaqesues zyrtar per Shqiperine i rrjetit me te madh Anglez te lodrave per femije The Entertainer UK. Ne shesim vetem lodra origjinale, te markave qe jane te sigurta, per te luajtur femijet.

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Scan and learn with the Count-Along Basket & Scanner! The 2-in-1 shopping basket comes with 8 role play food pieces for role play shopping and scanning fun.

Included is a talking scanner that when the food pieces are scanned, it recognises the item calling out the food, shape and colour. Three play modes reinforce number learning with 2 fun counting games and kids can have fun in the free play mode picking up items and learning all about them.

The basket can be transformed from a basket to a trolley by unlocking the parent locks and pulling up the handle and transforming into trolley mode. Put all the food items into the basket or trolley when scanned for storage. Intended for ages 2-5 years.

Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

Product Features

  • Count-Alonng Basket & Scanner 3 double sided shopping lists 8 food pieces Parent’s Guide
  • Talking scanner introduces food, shapes and colours to kids
  • 8 fun role play foods included ready to be scanned with the magic scanner
  • 3 fun game modes reinforcing counting and role play fun
  • 2-in-1 Shopping basket, converts from a basket to shopping trolley!
  • Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only 
  • Product Dimensions Approx – 24 x 31.5 x 17cm

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Safety Information

Please remove all packaging attachments, and any other components which are not a part of the toy, before giving this product to a child.

Manufacturer Number


Our Product Number